We were thrilled to host Leah from Five from the Road and her beautiful family to Cooperstown Luxury properties a couple of weeks ago.
Leah started started Five for the Road to inspire families to make memories, connect more as a family and enjoy the moments. She uses the site to share her family travel, Disney planning tips, and everyday family fun activities to help others enjoy the moments and make lasting memories with their family. We were super excited to host her family and be a part of a new memory making experience in the Cooperstown area.
You can follow along with the Five for the Road's gang as they experience all that Cooperstown has to offer like visits to Fly Creek Cider Mill, New York Pizzeria, Schneider’s Bakery and of course, the National Baseball Hall of Fame.
Click here to learn more about their great weekend.
Check out this video that they produced and get a little taste of the Cooperstown Luxury and Cooperstown area experience.
Of course, summer is the busy season in Cooperstown but fall and winter are excellent times to visit too. Come and see us!